Sunday evening was spent following our son to the Princess Royal University Hospital in an ambulance and then staying with him for several hours.

We had wonderful attention from everyone, starting with the rapid response vehicle, which arrived at our house within two minutes of our emergency call, and then the A&E department. We have nothing but praise for, and gratitude to, all concerned.

However, when in an emergency situation, one is disorientated with emotion and anxiety.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the parking at the hospital has to be paid for on all days and at all times.

I realise the new hospital is an expensive addition to the local services but presume this was appropriately costed out before building started.

I also assume much of the cost will be funded from the property being sold on the covenanted land at the old Bromley Hospital site and houses being sold on the Farnborough site.

Is it really necessary to charge anxious relatives to park throughout the night?

No-one parks at the hospital in the late hours of the day or the early hours of the morning for fun.

We had enough on our minds without trying to find £7 in small change for the next few hours' parking.

Does the parking charge cover the cost of paying someone to patrol during the night? Or, being deeply cynical, does a parking attendant between say, 2am and 3am, make enough profit in parking tickets to cover his wages? A nice little earner?

Again, our grateful thanks to all the efficient emergency and hospital staff.

Jane Peters Email address supplied