CAMERAS HELP SCUM: I'm getting sick to death of reading articles which relate to speed cameras, bus lane cameras, traffic light cameras and congestion zone cameras. Not because I condone the actions they police but because I get regularly reminded of their highly discriminative nature. As with all law-enforcement cameras, they read the number plate but don't see the driving license, tax disc, MOT certificate or who is driving. This results in the fact only relatively law abiding drivers/car owners are traced and penalised. In the case of the speed camera, this results in the issue of penalty points on the license and could lead to an eventual ban and consequently may remove from the road a driver who contributes towards insurance and tax. There must be a fairer way to police our roads. After all, surely we want to get the scum off the road and keep the decent motorist on it?
Mr G Aldrich

THANKS A LOT: I wish to thank everyone who responded to my letter of a few weeks ago regarding English patriotism (News Shopper, July 21). What a pleasant way to feel a bit more accepted in my new home country. Let's hope others out there will help stop the silliness other folks in the community force down our throats police telling English people to take down their flags while a neighbour flies the flag of their native country. I'm busting a gut in laughter over the thick-headedness of some, yet thankful for the more level-headed community at large.
Glen Ketteringham
Northumberland Heath

FLOWERS ARE WRONG: In reply to Dead Wrong (Letters, August 18). I thought I was the only one who found flowers plastered everywhere after an accident wrong. I find it disgusting. There are places to go to remember your loved ones; we shouldn't be reminded every time we drive past. Do they take the flowers down when completely rotten? No, it is a complete eyesore. If a tragedy happened to my family, God forbid, I still would not put flowers in the street.
Name and address supplied

EU IS GOOD FOR US: In reply to Stanley Parr's letter (News Shopper, August 4). I wish intolerant xenophobes such as himself would buzz off or, at least, stop whining at the EU. The benefits of being in the EU are far too many to list here. Without our membership the UK would be just a banana republic with a climate unsuitable for growing any bananas. Mr Parr's "little Britian" attitude is an outmoded and embarrassing hangover to the days of the empire.
Adam Chandler