Iwas very interested to read the article Grave Error in Wildlife Haven (News Shopper, August 18) about St Paulinus churchyard.

My father passed away nine years ago and is buried in the churchyard at St Paulinus.

My mother and I used to visit the churchyard frequently but now it is totally impossible. The churchyard has been turned into a wilderness and, before it was strimmed recently, the grass reached up to my waist and I am 5ft 6ins tall It is a highly dangerous place to visit and I do understand Mr Collins' concerns.

My mother is over 80 and is now unable to visit the churchyard because there are no paths.

You cannot see where you are treading and it is upsetting to tread on other graves.

Over the last two years the churchyard has deteriorated in every respect. It looks neglected and to my knowledge the grass has not been strimmed throughout the summer and I do not believe I have ever seen a volunteer looking after the churchyard. When the strimming does take place the grass and weeds are all just left in situ.

As for the comments of the Rev Evans saying how pretty it looks this statement is beyond belief.

The churchyard looks terrible and on looking at the churchyard now it may preserve wildlife but it shows absolutely no respect for people like my mother and Mr Collins, who wish to visit their loved ones in safety but are unable to.

Constance Solly
Barnehurst Road