I was somewhat amused by the letter Pensioners Clog My Weekends.

To some extent I would agree, but bearing in mind the fact during the week these old (quote) shuffling duffers with blue rinses (I have not been aware of the latter for some years) are exposed to screaming undisciplined youngsters, pushchairs, groups of very young mums with their pushchairs taking up half of the cafe and half of the morning or afternoon.

It is also possible a large percentage of these over 60s are caring for their grandchildren, including shopping for them simply because in this day and age, parents need to work and some at the weekends.

I seldom shop at the weekend but on the odd occasion that I have, there seems to be an assortment of all ages and a number of families.

Perhaps you might play fair - I doubt this by your tone - when you come to the age of 60 (these people have probably all been where you are now).

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