M KEEN’S letter (Parklife Pupils Should Be In Classroom, News Shopper, April 15) highlights a problem society as a whole is facing.

We can no longer reminisce about the good old grammar school days when pupils were genuinely in awe of the disciplinary measures available to schools.

As a consequence of European law and decades of pandering to socialist policies, schools are hard pressed to maintain control of the classrooms, never mind the imposition of authority beyond school premises.

As a governor of two schools, I am well aware of the problems our dedicated and hard-working teachers are facing.

Despite the fact a significant number of secondary school pupils have linguistic difficulties and a poor foundation in literacy and numeracy, the real problem is a lack of parental support.

Only a parent can teach a child the value of a good education and the essentials of good manners and social integration.

Thankfully the majority of teenagers in Bromley are well brought up, responsibly minded young adults.

But for the minority who are not, please do not make schools and teachers the scapegoats.


Kelsey and Eden Park Ward