YOUR anonymous correspondent asks “Is Council Out To Clog Up The Roads?” (News Shopper, November 19).

I do not think this is its intention, it is just clueless and incompetent.

Humps increase noise and pollution, can damage low slung cars, are jolly painful for those of us with bad backs, uncomfortable for cyclists and most importantly delay emergency vehicles.

Pity the poor patient with a broken limb in an ambulance negotiating these unnecessary obstacles which have been laid in Sidcup Hill, a main road to the local A&E. This is thoroughly irresponsible.

This council has wasted untold thousands of public money on road measures which have had no impact on road safety at all, and in some cases made it worse.

Whoever was responsible for Oakhampton Crescent and Brampton Road ought to be sectioned.

The entire nation is groaning under the dead weight of mismanagement and incompetence.

Those of us who remember the stable, ordered, law-abiding society of 50 years ago despair at the way recent governments have allowed this once great nation to go to rack and ruin.

What we need is strong government, but less of it and sound, practical common sense.

This new administration is as daft as the previous Labour one.


Canberra Road
