Over recent weeks there has been much discussion about various local councils, particularly this year’s round of council tax hikes.

As a resident of Gravesend, I would challenge any council to run a business on the same principles — that is, inflation-busting increases year on year. They would not, and could not, achieve this because in business the consumer has a real choice.

Councils have never had so much revenue yet every year (maybe election years excluded) we see unreasonable and unjustified tax increases.

And all this is going on while they are awarding increases in their allowances and pension contributions. Such awards are supposedly justified by being only inflationary so, surely then, anything above inflation is unjustified?

We pay more and more but see less and less for it.

Furthermore, the roads are in a disgusting state of repair. A vehicle in such a condition would be condemned.

Maybe councils should show how every penny is spent or at least warn us during the election campaigns of the real policies they will force upon us.

Despite several letters to Gravesham Council on a number of topics, the answers given are always evasive.

One group blames another, local councils blame the county council, which, in turn, blames the Government.

What would they do if one party had total power? Who could they blame then?

I guess they prefer the status quo.

Finally, it would be nice to see as many police officers on the beat as there seem to be parking wardens.

Maybe the revenue raised from parking fines and the cleverly-designed pay-and-display car parks councils so adore could be put to a good use.

No wonder election turnouts are so low.

Mr S Hufton Mollison Rise Gravesend