I would like to say what a very commendable gesture you and your staff are making in this ongoing litter situation.

Some time ago you said what a difference it would make if each person were to pick up and bin at least one piece of rubbish per day!

At the risk of sounding virtuous, I have been doing that for a long time, simply because I, personally, find it offensive to look at.

Sadly, most people choose to ignore it and seem to accept it as the norm, and I am probably regarded as eccentric for bothering to pick it up. Let’s face it, those responsible for all the mess could not care less and have obviously never been taught not to throw half consumed food onto the pavements along with chip-wrappings etc.

A walk along Orpington High street is a case in point. There is a man with a wheeled cart who picks up litter in the High Street and my heart goes out to him. He is very thorough and picks up every sweet wrapper only to have it all replaced within minutes of his departure. What you might call fighting a ‘losing battle’.

I can remember years ago when shopkeepers used to keep their own stretch of pavement clean by throwing down a bucket of soapy water and brushing it — happy days.

Realistically, I cannot imagine this happening along Orpington High Street! Some countries have street and pavement washing machines, I have seen them in action and how pleasant and fresh everything was afterwards.

The only time our pavements get anything resembling a wash is after a heavy downpour.

Mrs Minchington Cotmandene Crescent St Paul’s Cray