RUBBISH DUMP: It is no wonder Bromley borough is such a garbage pit when bed suppliers are apparently barred by the EEC from taking away old mattresses in the same van which delivers new ones. You would hope the council waste disposal service would be able to help. If you do not have a vehicle capable of taking a king-sized mattress you will be stunned to know Bromley Council wants “at least £25”, their words, to remove it. The “at least” will only be clarified when it is collected. It is therefore not surprising to see so much household junk dumped.

D Haines, Biggin Hill

MEN IN WHITE COATS: To appease Mr Blair’s obsession with the euro, and his hope to become a president of a federal Europe, Bromley has to become even more ‘town-crammed’, owner-occupiers will have capital gains tax foisted on them, and increases in council tax will no longer count towards the national cost-of-living index. All this for a monetary system which apparently needs drastic improvement before we can safely be let anywhere near it. Has the NHS enough men in white coats to cope with our bemused rulers?

L G Holt, Chislehurst

BLAIR FACTS: Re: Tony Blair’s reshuffle. I am shocked by the PM’s action since he is under George W Bush’s influence. Do you not think he is acting a like Cromwell? An inspired dictator?

Eric Waton, France

FLOOD WARNING: I write to warn my neighbours in the Crofton Heath area we are in danger of flooding. According to a well-known insurance company (advertised by a well-known film director) we are on the list of the environmental agency as being at a very serious risk of flooding. They were therefore reluctant to quote me for my building insurance. I knew sea levels were rising but surely not that quickly. Funny no other insurance companies seem privy to this information.

Sue Green, Orpington

IRRESPONSIBLE: I believe it was very remiss of you to publish the picture of two young lads who presumably had been swimming in Keston Ponds (News Shopper, June 18). This will encourage others to swim in the waters during hot weather. Keston Ponds is a notably dangerous place to swim, as the number of swimming fatalities over the years will testify.

D George, Bromley

GOOD OLD DAYS: Re the letter by Clare Hogden, Chelsfield, about a property called ‘Shanklin’ in Orpington. Maybe it was the surgery of Dr Grant. The property was situated where the Orpington Halls now stands and was still there in 1937 because Dr Grant removed my tonsils then in Cray Valley Hospital.

Daphne Butler, Orpington