To many Lewisham residents, the internal working of the EU in Brussels and Strasbourg are of little consequence.

Yet unelected bureaucrats in Europe have drawn up a “European constitution” which would have huge implications for Lewisham.

Laws and regulations ranging from transport to social policy and the environment, to law and order would be decided by distant pen-pushers in a foreign country rather than by elected representatives in Britain.

Local councils such as Lewisham would be jumping to the demands of European dictates.

British politicians may not rate highly in the popularity stakes but at least voters can kick out those who fail to deliver, which they cannot do with those who run the EU. Given the Government believes in holding referendums on other constitutional changes, from an elected mayor for Lewisham to regional assemblies, why should voters in Lewisham not also be given a voice on these major constitutional upheavals?

This is why we are calling for Lewisham Council to pressure the Government to hold a national referendum on the European constitution.

We would encourage residents across Lewisham to lobby their local councillors to support this call.

It is your country, and a decision on who governs it should be your choice.

Councillor Barrie Anderson Conservative leader Lewisham Council