I WAS pleased to read your front page story denouncing the sex trade industry and your reiterated decision to remove all adult service advertisement from print and online (True Cost Of Prostitution, News Shopper, September 10).

As a mother of two young girls, it is upsetting to read of other young girls and women who are forced to enter such an abominable and evil trade.

We know removing the advertisements from your newspaper will not stop the trade, but it is a step in the right direction and will certainly set the precedent for others to follow.

It means those who would normally find their service provision from your previously advertised adult services will now have to look elsewhere.

I congratulate you and hope other business and industries will follow suit.

It is high time as business people we stood up for ethics, morals and justice.

NADINE CRAWFORD-PIPER, Witherston Way, Eltham