Letter to the editor: I just want to say how pleased I am ticket inspectors are finally starting to catch ticket dodgers at Hither Green station.

It just goes to show the power of News Shopper.

Just two months ago, I wrote about the “scallies and chavs” who routinely avoid paying train fares at the cost of us law-abiding selfless citizens.

It is with great pleasure I can announce British Transport Police appear to be joining forces with railway enforcement officers to ensure the little tight-arses who have plagued the British transport system for decades are slowly being held to account.

I love that feeling I get when I walk past some limp, pathetic, husk of a man pleading with an inspector not to fine him for ticket evasion.

I always struggle not to raise a smile when this happens.

Thankfully, it seems I will be seeing more of these scenes in the weeks to come.

Well done News Shopper.

Trevor Beavor, Hither Green