Letter to the editor: Regarding recent events in Woolwich, I am a 62-year-old woman who has worked and brought up a family, so pretty normal.

After the events of the past week, like everyone else, I am left shocked and outraged this could occur on the British streets.

We have seen radical clerics preaching incitement to young impressionable men, while the police look on, not being able to do anything about it. We have seen politicians unable to rid this country of this effluent.

This has to change and quickly. All terror suspects must be put in jail.

There is no second chance or merely watching them and we must be able to get rid of radical preachers, instead of them laughing at us and drawing vast amounts of money from the British taxpayer.

Politicians must instigate immediate measures or the young of this country will respond to the problem with violence and the older generation will act with their vote.