Letter to the editor: I have noticed in recent years News Shopper and other newspapers in the area have been running a campaign against Greenwich Time, the council-produced newspaper.

Can I please state I find this paper to be very interesting and informative regarding news, upcoming events, planning permissions and so on, as it is specifically about the borough of Greenwich, and I look forward to it landing on my doorstep every week.

With regards to your constant references to party bias, I believe only those involved in politics (ie, opposition councillors) would see the paper as partisan in any way.

Referring to it as “Pravda”, the organ of a repressive regime, is laughable and silly.

I also suspect there is an element of self-interest in your campaign as you would presumably see an increase in advertising revenue were it to be forced to close.

Quite simply, hands off Greenwich Time.

BRENDAN COTTRELL, address supplied