Letter to the editor: A Labour Party campaigner knocked on my door last week, urging me to vote for Labour at the Kent County Council (KCC), elections on May 2, to stop UKIP getting a foothold.

It occurred to me Labour smugly regards it as its turn for taking seats on the council this time.

This might have been alright 20 years ago, but the situation in Kent might benefit from a few UKIP county councillors.

In Dartford, The Labour council got into bed with Tesco and blighted Lowfield Street. It was consequently turned out in favour of the Tories who, after an interval, got into bed with Tesco too.

In Gravesend, Labour demolished the car park in pursuit of some green fantasy, resulting in a reduction in trade by one-fifth.

The Tories came in and sought to build posh flats for Londoners on the pleasant bit of the town centre.

You still can change things by voting, but not, it seems, if you vote for the consensus.

Or to put in another way, the permanent Lib-Lab-Con coalition.