Letter to the editor: Mr Emans says in his letter (Time Running Out For High Street Clocks, News Shopper, March 13) £9,000 was “wasted” on the Hayes Diamond Jubilee Clock.

If Mr Emans had done his homework and read previous stories in News Shopper he would know the people, businesses and associations of Hayes raised nearly all of the funds for the clock because they wished to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of the Queen with a lasting monument.

A small grant was made by Bromley Community Fund, in support of the project.

Our clock has a commemorative dial to indicate the 60 years of the Queen’s reign and this is the real purpose of the clock.

The Silver Jubilee Clock in Old Hayes is to be repaired shortly.

The new clock will be maintained by the manufacturers who will comply with all health and safety regulations.

Mr Emans is the only person we have heard of who has criticised the efforts to commemorate this historic event.

Oliver Pereira, chairman, Hayes Village Association Diamond Jubilee Clock Committee