Letter to the editor: I have been a regular swimmer to Crook Log sports centre on a Friday evening for longer than I care to remember.

I’ve seen the old pool close and the new replacement pool open.

I find it’s a good way of saying goodbye to the week and warming up for a pint at the pub.

The one constant in this swimming routine has been the disabled swimming group’s swim slot, which finishes at 7.30pm.

Over the years I have talked with the volunteer lifeguards and see this swimming facility as an excellent part of the disabled provision in Bexley.

It’s been going for years, certainly it was around at the old pool before it was closed down.

It must have been around before I started swimming there.

The reason for my letter is to raise its profile as looking at the Bexley Council website, I couldn't find any mention of it, either in terms of swimming or disability provision in Bexley.

It wouldn’t hurt for New Shopper to raise the profile of disability swimming and the work of the volunteer lifeguard.

Maybe it could make sure, during this time of austerity and cutbacks, it continues.

Richard Symonds, Iverhurst Close, Bexleyheath