A Thamesmead school is adding Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life to the timetable for the summer term.

Linton Mead Primary School is hosting a special event on the school’s playgrounds on May 26 as part of Race for Life’s schools programme.

Over 400 youngsters, aged from three to 11 will join forces with parents, teachers and governors to take on cancer and walk, jog or run in aid of Cancer Research UK’s life-saving work.

To help the pupils prepare, teachers have been using a schools’ resource kit specially created by the charity which includes everything needed to stage the event as well as an assembly plan and top fundraising tips.

Sarah Critchell, headteacher at Linton Mead Primary School, said: “Race for Life is a great addition to the school timetable.

"We’re really looking forward to taking part and have been training during lunchtimes with the introduction of the Daily Mile.

"The whole school is supporting the event so it will be a real team effort and a great day out for parents, pupils and staff, all whilst raising money for an important cause.

“Sadly, most of us know someone who has been touched by cancer and we all have our special reasons for taking part and wanting to help more people survive.”

Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life, in partnership with Tesco, is an inspiring series of events which raises millions of pounds every year to help fund vital research.

Schools across the UK are being invited to hold their own Race for Life events in aid of the charity. They can choose a day that fits with the term calendar and pick a distance which suits the age and abilities of all pupils.

Emily Smith, head of events marketing for Cancer Research UK, said: “Race for Life Schools is a fantastic way to have fun, get fit and save lives.

"Young people today are the generation who could see ground-breaking treatments for cancer in their lifetime.

"They will be the researchers and lifesavers of tomorrow. But first, we need them to be the fundraisers of today - and walk, jog and run to help beat cancer sooner.”

For more information visit raceforlife.org/schools or call 0300 123 0770.

Article submitted by Gill Smercan