3D printing is set to revolutionise the production of the stents doctors use to expand and repair blocked arteries, according to Professor Dennis Douroumis.

He will outline the future of medical interventions to treat cardiovascular diseases at a free University of Greenwich public lecture on Wednesday, May 24.

His wide-ranging talk, 3D Printing of Patient Specific Healthcare, will also cover current trends and advances in bioprinting human tissues and organs.

Professor Douroumis, of the Faculty of Engineering & Science, says: “Traditionally the stents used to open arteries are metal. They stay in the body forever and can cause problems – not least if they break.

“The stents of the future will be made from polymers designed to dissolve when they are no longer needed. This is usually within two years with no side effects to the patient.

“Using polymers means hospitals can take advantage of ink jetting and 3D printing to produce stents exactly the size and shape of each person’s affected artery.

“Furthermore, the polymers can contain and release the right doses of the different drugs patients need to take over several months as part of their treatment. This will make life much simpler for patients.”

Professor Douroumis, director of the university’s Centre for Innovation Process in Engineering and Research, is working at the forefront of researching and developing personalised 3D printed medical devices.

He has been invited to deliver the prestigious Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences (APS) Award Lecture which he will deliver at PharmSci 2017 at the University of Hertfordshire in September. The APS Award Lecture is sponsored by Astra Zeneca.

Professor Douroumis’ University of Greenwich public lecture will be held in the Ward Room, Pembroke Building, at the Medway campus at Chatham Maritime.

It starts at 6.30pm and will be followed by light refreshments. Places are free but limited. To register tel: 020 8331 9800 or email: FES-public-lectures@gre.ac.uk

Article submitted by Delphine Houlton