Belvedere Junior School, Mitchell Close provide opportunities for the children that they may otherwise be unable to enjoy. A new Golf Course has been built on the school field. They introduced golf to the Year 5’s at the start of the Spring Term and there was a real excited buzz that continued through the entire half term, at all levels with everyone totally engaged.

From the excellent level that these children reached their PE Coach identified 10 children who they felt would benefit from extra-curricular sessions with a professional golf coach. These sessions started this week and the golf pro Tim Trodd could not speak highly enough about our school, the children’s knowledge and the ‘amazing enthusiasm’ they showed.

They are now nearing completion of their Tri-Golf course and will very proudly be using this in the near future. The ultimate target will be experiencing a ‘Real’ golf course (for the first time) as they compete against the other children in the Pioneer Academy. These opportunities that they offer endeavour to help the children of Belvedere Juniors to look back on their time with them with great affection and fond memories.

Submitted by Rebecca Lomax