A CAMPAIGN has been launched to warn drivers they might be affected by a road pricing scheme.

The Association of British Drivers has sent leaflets to more than 100,000 homes in Greenwich to tell residents how to object to any potential proposals in their area.

It opposes all forms of road pricing and is warning drivers a Blackwall Tunnel toll might be introduced even if a congestion charge is not.

The association's London region co-ordinator, Roger Lawson, said: "Transport for London (TfL) and Greenwich Council are conducting studies of road traffic demand management in the Greenwich area.

"This includes consideration of a congestion charge, in other words a road toll, on the area bounded by the A102 and A2, which includes Greenwich Park and Greenwich town centre.

"The scheme might also cover the Blackwall Tunnel. One option, even if a wide area charge like the central London congestion tax is not implemented, is to impose a toll on the Blackwall Tunnel."

TfL says any such proposals are just speculation at this stage and it is currently just conducting research and surveys in the area.

A spokesman said: "A number of surveys in and around the area are being carried out in order to understand current traffic conditions and travel behaviour, as well as exploring potential future travel patterns and public attitudes in response to a range of traffic reduction measures.

"Only when those surveys are complete will Greenwich Council and TfL be in a position to understand what the options are for the area."

The association plans to hold future public meetings in Greenwich and surrounding boroughs on this issue.

More than 60 people have currently signed its online petition which opposes any possible proposals in Greenwich.Visit the site at gopetition.com/petitions/no-road-tolls-in-greenwich