TRANSPORT for London (TfL) is launching a public consultation about a proposed Tramlink extension.

The extension would link the existing Tramlink network with the Anerley and Crystal Palace areas with up to six trams an hour running on the route by 2013.

People participating in the consultation, which starts next week, can choose from three options.

The first option is to run the tram up Anerley Road and Anerley Hill into Crystal Palace bus station through the edge of the park.

Another option is to run the tram fully off-street beside the railway to Crystal Palace station and then along the edge of the park behind the museum.

The final option is to mix the two with the trams running on the street up to the station and then off-street through the edge of the park.

It is expected four million passengers a year will use the proposed service.

London Mayor Ken Livingstone believes the extension will help regenerate Anerley and Crystal Palace Park and improve transport links in south London as a whole.

TfL had also proposed to build an extension linking Crystal Palace directly to Beckenham Junction.

This idea has been withdrawn because it would have involved building a completely new tram line and was considered to be too expensive.

Both Tramlink extension schemes are supported by Bromley Council.

Its head of transport strategy Ian Forbes said: "We have consistently supported the extension of Tramlink to Crystal Palace.

"We also supported the link between Beckenham Junction and Crystal Palace and we hope it is brought back to the table as well."

Funding for the tram scheme exists as part of TfL's five-year investment plan but there is no guarantee it will be built because it has to be approved by the Government after the public consultation.

Residents interested in taking part in the consultation should look in next week's News Shopper for more details.