ROWERS aiming to cross the Atlantic Ocean have made it over halfway after eight weeks at sea.

Andy Ehrhart, 42, from West Wickham, got a team of colleagues who work together at the Metropolitan Police Specialist Training Centre in Gravesend to row across the Atlantic.

Mr Erhart, along with Mark Hefford, 45, from West Wickham; Nick Young, 38, from Caterham, and 32-year-old Justin Ellis from Croydon, set off in the international Atlantic Rowing Race last month.

They are due to reach Antigua in the Carribean in the next few weeks, despite battling with problems with their boat's rudder.

Their journey, which has been completed by fewer people than have climbed Everest, has been documented in a blog by the men on their website The 4ROW4CF team is raising money for research into cystic fibrosis, a disease which affects people's internal organs by clogging them up with thick mucus.