A SECOND councillor in two weeks found living outside the borough, insists he will serve the community just as well.

Chelsfield and Pratts Bottom councillor Adrian Marshall, moved to Haywards Heath, East Sussex, just after Easter.

Cllr Marshall, an accountant, with four children, says he was unable to find work in Bromley or London and the commute to work could take up to two hours. He recently removed his address and phone number in Chelsfield from a public directory, replacing it with the civic centre number.

He said: "For the past three years I have made my private address and home phone number available in the public.

"Many residents have called to see me at my home or have spoken to me on the phone and this is something I miss."

Around one third of councillors presently list the civic centre as their contact address.

Opposition leader Councillor David McBride said: "We now have two Tory councillors who do not live in the borough drawing payment for being councillors.

Both should resign and allow residents to elect someone who can represent them properly."

West Wickham councillor Chris Wordingham, lives and works in Devon and could not be contacted.