War memorials are being protected from vandalism and metal theft by Bromley police cadets.

The cadets have teamed up with In Memoriam 2014, an initiative to keep war memorials safe.

Along with the War Memorials Trust and the SmartWater Foundation, the cadets have been given SmartWater Forensic Marking Solution to help stop criminals from removing metal on war memorials.

Bromley police cadet Hollie Osborn said: “With an increase in forensic marking and developing crime prevention technologies in the area, I got in contact with Smartwater to see how police cadets could become actively involved.

“As cadets, we believe it is important to remember and respect the sacrifices made by those who have died, fought or have been affected by conflict and it is therefore particularly exciting for us to be involved with the project.

“We hope that our efforts will deter individuals from damaging war memorials, and that the project will eventually extend across the whole of London.”

War Memorials Trust’s director Frances Moreton said: “It is wonderful to see young people engaging with their war memorials and acting as the driving force within the community to protect them.

“The charity is delighted to be involved in this initiative and thanks Hollie for proposing the project, updating condition information on War Memorials Online and instigating this Borough-wide project to protect memorials in Bromley.”

In 2011 War Memorials Trust recorded around 40 cases of theft from war memorials across the UK, including Penge.

Since In Memoriam 2014 was set up, cases of memorial theft has dropped. In 2016 there were just four reported cases and only two so far in 2017.