A great party atmosphere fell over Beckenham High Street this morning with anticipation of the Relay runner and accompanying parade vehicles – flags a-waving, whistles and cheering.

The waiting crowds were entertained by Beckenham Junior Choir" and "Beckenham Youth Voices" conducted by Director John Webber stationed on the War Memorial opposite the Odeon Cinema, outside Sainsbury’s was Dan Darling’s Jazz Band with plenty of strawberries from Sainsburys, further along the High Street  outside Chessington’s were the Kentones Barbershop singers.

From one end of the High Street to the other was a lively, bubbly crowd being fed and watered with delicious refreshments from the generous cafes and shops along the way.

This tremendous community spirit is all thanks to the team consisting of BBA (predominantly Marsha Berg), Leslie Appaduray and Jackie Groundsell, Chair and Secretary of BBA respectively, Chloe-Jane Ross of Copers Cope Residents’ Association and Tina Slater Events Manager of LBB.

What a fabulous occasion – huge thanks to all who came and supported the event.

Further details of this event and  Beckenham Business Association can be found on 