TEN projects across Bexley are set to benefit from grants totalling more than £1m.

The money is being given to community groups and charities to address key community priorities following a bidding process.

They will work with a range of local organisations, including Bexley Council, Bexley Police, schools and health services to deliver the projects.

The grants are being given using Bexley's Performance Reward Grant, which the council and its partners received for successfully meeting targets set down in their 2008 Local Area Agreement with the government.

Deputy leader of the council, Councillor Colin Campbell, said: "We felt it was right that the reward we earned together should be spent on projects which will have a positive impact on the lives of local people.

"This is a one-off pot of money and we have chosen the projects carefully so that the benefits are spread as widely as possible."

Projects to receive funding

- First Step Community Trust £100,000: To fund a social enterprise to provide work experience, training and qualifications to residents who are experiencing long-term unemployment while delivering high quality motor garage services in Bexley.

- Greenwich and Bexley Community Hospice, £101,412: To provide a skilled befriending service to practically and emotionally support carers of people with advanced illness.

- Cross Street Law Centre, £100,000: Benefit tribunal representation service for people who are vulnerable - particularly older people, carers and people with a disability.

- Age UK, £100,000: A project to tackle social exclusion of older men, giving access to important information, increasing confidence and sharing skills.

- Bexley Voluntary Service Council, £150,000: To establish a voluntary sector resource centre in Bexleyheath town centre.

- Bexley Health and Wellbeing Partnership, £100,000: Reducing the levels of childhood obesity by increasing the levels of physical activity in families.

- Bexley Accessible Transport Scheme, £99,000: Independent travel scheme for young people with learning disabilities.

- London Borough of Bexley, £60,000: An Olympic community arts programme to support community groups to take part in the Olympic celebrations throughout the borough and provide inter-generational activities.

- Mencap, £50,000: To develop an initiative with the police and local shops throughout the borough to protect those with disability from hate crime.

- Bexley Citizen’s Advice Bureaux, £136,000: To provide debt advice, money advice and practical support to families in danger of losing their homes.

The Council has put arrangements in place to monitor each of the projects to ensure they achieve their stated aims and provide value for money.

The remaining £17,588 will be allocated to voluntary sector groups over the next three years as part of the same programme.