DOZENS of people had to be evacuated from a Chinese restaurant after a nearby garage containing gas cannisters caught fire.

Around 60 diners had their meals interrupted at Chom Chom restaurant in Bromley Road, Beckenham, when a garage behind it caught fire.

Four crews attended the blaze, which started at around 9pm on Saturday (May 26).

The diners were evacuated after firefighters found out there were two large gas cannisters in the garage.

Beckenham watch manager Tony Jarret said: "When we turned up it was a very fierce fire with thick plumes of black smoke.

"The crews worked really hard to stop it spreading to neighbouring properties."

Bromley Road was closed until around midnight and firefighters remained on the scene until 1.30am to ensure the fire was fully out.

The owner of the garage was treated for superficial burns. No one else was injured.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.