FLOOD alerts have been issued across the south east as thunderstorms and heavy rain are expected tonight.

The Environment Agency (EA) issued more than 30 alerts across the region as upto 40mm of rainfall fell in some places.

South east flood risk manager Peter Quarmby said EA teams had been and will be working round the clock to make sure flood defences are intact and protect people.

He said: “Unfortunately while the rainfall has been welcome for farmers and gardeners following the recent dry weather, it will take more than a few days of heavy rainfall to undo the effects of nearly two years of below average rainfall.”

The EA Floodline Warnings Direct service can keep people informed by phone and text, allowing them to prepare for worsening weather. Sign up by calling 0845 988 1188 or go to environment-agency.gov.uk/flood.

Monitor river levels and flood risks at environment-agency.gov.uk/riverlevels.