BROMLEY police has launched a Twitter feed - @MPSBromley – to keep the community in touch with the policing of the borough.

Updates will be posted between 7am and 4pm Monday to Friday and include public safety and crime prevention information, crime appeals, local updates and success stories.

There will also be tweets containing other information the Met Police considers important.

Borough commander Chief Superintendent Steph Roberts said: “I am delighted that we now have a dedicated Twitter service allowing us to communicate to our residents and followers about the work we do.

@MPSBromley is still in its early days but our followers are growing and the response so far has been very positive. “If you want to be kept up to date about policing in Bromley why not start following us now.”

Followers are reminded they cannot report crime over Twitter, they must call either 999 for emergencies or 101 for non-emergency calls.