OLD and young people came together for a day to break down barriers between the generations.

The Age Exchange, held at the Priory School, in Tintagel Road, Orpington, was an opportunity for young and old people to swap stories, share ideas and discuss issues.

Young people from Hayes School, the Priory School and Bromley Youth Council spent the day with elderly people from the area.

The event, which was organised by elderly person’s charity Veneratio and the Bromley Community Engagement Forum, also featured entertainment from both age groups.

Veneratio spokesman Darren Weale said: “The Age Exchange event showed how much the young and the elderly have in common when they are brought together, especially with some great music, speakers and refreshments.

“Veneratio is about boosting the integration of older people into society, and Age Exchange was a pioneering success, bringing older people into a social setting with younger people to the enjoyment of both.”