DARTFORD firefighters are reminding residents about the dangers of deep-frying food following a chip pan fire last week.

Crews were called to the blaze in Crawford Avenue at 5:20pm on February 24 after a smoke alarm alerted the homeowner to the fire.

Firefighters quickly removed the blazing pan from the kitchen and extinguished the fire, which caused damage to the extractor hood and cupboards.

Watch manager Dave Boakes, who attended the incident, said: “This is another example of how dangerous chip pans can be - we advise people who regularly deep-fry food to invest in safer ways of cooking, such as an electric chip pan, which can’t overheat and are safer to use.

“Unfortunately people still think a house fire is something that happens to other people, but the sad reality is fire can occur in anyone’s home.”

Crews will visit neighbouring properties to offer advice.