THE American Dream became a reality for lucky students at a Bexleyheath grammar school.

A group of 40 youngsters studying for a GCSE in computing at Townley Grammar School for Girls, in Townley Toad, flew across the Atlantic to check out some of the top technological sites in the world.

Throughout the 10-day school-trip of a lifetime, the youngsters visited sites including the headquarters of global giants Google and Microsoft.

Amid a handful of other exciting days out and meals in the world-famous Hard Rock Cafe and Rainforest Cafe, the trip also took the Bexleyheath students to Stanford University and Alcatraz prison.

Headteacher Desmond Deehan said: “This was a unique opportunity for computer science students to experience firsthand the international heart of computing innovation.

“As a leading school in computing we’ve been able to forge links with Google, Microsoft and Stanford University that will see our students at the forefront of the UK computing industry.

“It has been a transformational experience and one we will be developing in the future.”

Girls at the school planned the trip from scratch, deciding where they wanted to visit and basing their itinerary around this.

Townley Grammar School teaches 1,500 girls aged between 11 and 18.