Lewisham police, youth workers and street wardens have been working together on a project aimed at cutting robberies in and around schools. SAMANTHA PAYNE reports.

Each day since September 4, 50 police officers have been patrolling outside the gates of schools across the borough.

Operation Callisto has been set up to tackle robberies which historically seem to increase during the first month back at school after the summer holidays.

Schools which have seen patrols from safer schools officers and safer neighbourhood teams have included Sydenham School, Dartmouth Road, Forest Hill, Deptford Green, Amersham Vale, Deptford, and St Dunstan's College, Stanstead Road, Catford.

The officers have been on hand to provide crime prevention advice and have been escorting youngsters safely from schools.

The operation has also meant a rise of patrols in Lewisham town centre where groups of children gather.

Lewisham Police say because of the increased patrols, there has been at least a 20 per cent decrease in robberies compared to last year.

Estimated figures show on September 9 last year, there were 49 robberies compared to 36 this year.

Detective Chief Inspector Ian Mill, who is leading the operation, said: "Our increased presence has acted as a deterrent to anyone thinking of engaging in a crime.

"These officers have been able to deliver solid crime prevention advice to the pupils too and have helped them to avoid becoming victims of crime.

"The thing which makes this operation stand out is we have been working in partnership with street wardens and Race Equality Action for Lew-isham (REAL) youth workers."

The For REAL Youth Forum has been working with police officers to engage youngsters.

Workers have talked to them about their music and drama activities and so far, have signed up 200 people to one of their music projects next year.

Based in Lewisham High Street, For REAL, has been running for a year and is popular with teenagers.

Youth worker Philip Udeh said: "We try to avoid crime by engaging young people, speaking to them about their rights and what they want in the community.

"We believe our presence has also helped reduce the number of robberies over the past few weeks."

Philip, 24, added: "It's our vision to build a community around the borough.

"We want people to keep in touch through text messaging or our website and to talk about issues affecting them."

Sydenham School pupil Bukola Abisola, 15, who is now part of For REAL, said: "It's a great way for teenagers to be a part of something."

She added: "The operation is a good step but police need to teach us to not to be afraid of them.

"It would be useful to learn about what you should do if an incident such as a robbery happens."

PC Shaun Rodway, a school liaison officer for St Dunstan's, has written to all schools in the borough offering his services to do a talk.

"Operation Callisto has been successful and staff at St Dunstan's are pleased there has been a reduction in the number of incidents."

For more about For REAL call 020 7587 2556.