CONTROVERSIAL development plans a councillor thinks would "wreck a community" have been quashed.

Dartford Council denied planning permission to Priory Developments to build seven homes in Havelock Road, Dartford.

Members of the development control board voted against the proposed housing site, which would see four homes lose half of their gardens.

The application, first submitted to the council two years ago, also proposed the demolition of a bungalow for road access.

Plans have gone back and forth to the council three times and were even taken to the High Court in October last year after the developer appealed to the planning inspectorate.

Priory Developments put in the application to the council on June 29 after it made amendments to its last plan.

The council received 28 letters of objection, including a 125- signature petition.

Councillors at Dartford Council refused the application on September 7, saying the development would affect privacy and harm the character of the area.

Heath ward Councillor Patsy Thurlow said: "If this development were to go ahead, it would wreck the community which has established itself along the road."

Priory Developments declined to comment.