FUNDRAISERS in Dartford are trying to help a six-year-old with cancer get treatment in America.

Mitchell Huth, who has stage four neuroblastoma, has been enrolled on a drugs trial to treat the disease.

But once the course is completed, the youngster would need more than £300,000 to get treatment in America.

Siobhan Basten, 27, of Fleet Estate, Dartford, is helping to organise an event at Lollipops, the Orchard Centre, on behalf of Mitchell, from Romford, Essex.

The mother-of-four said: “I wanted to help, because if it was one of my children I would want all the help I could get. I would do anything for my kids.”

The fun day on September 2 between 10am and 1pm will feature a puppet show, cake stalls and games for £3 per child.

For more information on Mitchell’s appeal visit