Two brothers who left an accomplice lying dead on the railway tracks after stealing copper cable are facing jail sentences today.

John and Jason Tusting , along with James Payne, broke into a remote trackside substation between Penge West and Sydenham at around 5.30am on December 4 last year.

They stole copper strips but the burglary went wrong and James Payne was fatally electrocuted.

Jason Tusting, aged 23, and John Tusting, aged 26, have both pleaded guilty to burglary and criminal damage recklessly endangerging life.

Jason Tusting, of Brockley Mews, Honor Oak, has also pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice.

And at Blackfriars Crown Court today Judge John Hillen told the pair they will both be jailed for their crimes.

But sentencing has been adjourned until August 12 to allow the probation time to draw up reports about whether either brother poses a danger to the public.

John Tusting, of Burnt Ash Hill, Lee, and his brother have both been remanded in custody until that date.