PARENTS and carers in Bexley applying for secondary school places for their children can now do it online.

From this week, people can log onto the council's website at and fill in an application form.

Anyone using the new online service will get a secure log-on and all applications will get an email receipt to confirm the application has been received.

They will be able to find out the result of their application online on March 2 next year.

All of London's 32 boroughs are taking part in the scheme this year.

Bexley's booklet, giving guidance about secondary schools, is also available on the council's website and there is a link to each school.

The closing date for both online and paper applications is October 20.

People who want a postal form will receive them via primary schools this month.

For people without access to the internet at home who want to apply online, free access is available at all the borough's libraries and staff will help to access the form.