AN OFF-DUTY police officer was hit over the head with a bottle as he tried to stop a man interfering with vehicles in a car park.

The officer, 32, was attacked in Albion Road, Bexleyheath, just before 9.15am on Friday.

He was taken to hospital and treated for cuts to his head, before being discharged.

Stewart Broadway, 38, of no fixed address, has been charged with assault causing GBH with intent in connection with the attack.

He appeared at Bromley Magistrates' Court yesterday, where he was remanded in custody until he appears at Woolwich Crown Court on Friday.

Investigating officer Detective Inspector Stephen Underwood said: "The officer received a significant injury but still managed to assist colleagues to detain the suspect.

"Residents should be reassured that Bexley police officers are prepared to take action on or off-duty to reduce crime in the borough, even where they suffer personal injury as a result.

"Vehicle crime is rare at this location and the public should not be unduly worried about parking their cars here."