A CONCERT is being held to raise money for a charity setup by a teenage poet to help youths affected by violence.

Student Marie-Solange Ndeley, 19, of Brownhill Road, Catford, began writing at the age of eight and had a poetry book published when she was just 15.

Motivated by her concerns for young people, Miss Ndeley set up charity organisation Poems Alive in 2007 to help educate and guide young people away from troubles like violence and crime.

To raise money, Miss Ndeley is holding a fundraising concert, featuring local artists and international performers from America, France and Cameroon.

Funds will go towards a 24-hour centre, where young people can access the charity at any time.

The concert will take place on June 18 from 6.30pm to 10.30pm at the Stephen Lawrence Centre, Brookmill Road, Deptford.

Tickets are £10 or £8 concessions. For more information visit the Facebook page or call 07794 378 787, 07958 131 805 or 07508 050 905.