A BROTHEL has been uncovered in the safest ward in London.

Suspicions from neighbours in Darwin led police to a ground floor flat advertising itself as Honeys, in Cleave Avenue, off Cocksett Avenue, Farnborough.

Officers found three working girls, aged 32, 41 and 51 inside along with a 59-year-old male punter, who were all evicted from the premises.

A partition wall had been installed in the flat - without the owner’s knowledge - to increase the capacity of the flat.

Eviction proceedings have since begun against the tenant of the property.

A Bromley police spokesman said: “The visit (at 3.40pm on May 3) was undertaken following feedback from locals, who were becoming increasingly concerned with the behaviour and actions of individuals visiting the premises.”

Head of the Darwin Safer Neighbourhood Team Sergeant Katey Martin said: “We were surprised to uncover this in Darwin to say the very least, but we are glad to have disturbed this activity and restored normality to the neighbourhood.”

Darwin, which is the largest of all 624 wards in the capital at 11.2 square miles, had the fewest reported crimes between April and December last year, with 207 offences recorded.

It went 18 days without any crime being reported at all during July and August until three cockerels were stolen from a farm.

Darwin councillor Richard Scoates said residents he had spoken to were surprised there was a brothel operating in their neighbourhood.

Cllr Scoates said: “They didn’t notice any activity going on. But you can never tell. The police have done an excellent job finding it and shutting it down.

“Darwin is the last place you would expect to find a brothel.”

Paul Sealy, aged 46, who lives in Bassetts Way, Farnborough, said: “Personally I don't see a problem with prostitution as long as it is licensed and health checks are done regularly, but not in my backyard!”