SUPPORTERS of a centre which helps people who are jobless and trying to get back on the employment ladder, have been voting with their feet.

They turned out for the annual Churches Walk for BCU Life Skills Centre, based in Bexleyheath, which is struggling for cash to keep going.

Church members from across the borough, and including Bexley’s deputy mayor, Councillor James Spencer, set off in bright sunshine from St John’s Church in Danson Lane, Welling, on their nine-mile walk through Danson Park, Blackfen, Sidup and Bexley Village to the finish point at Christ Church in Bexleyheath Broadway.

Refreshments were provided for the walkers at St John’s; Holy Redeemer, Days Lane; the United Reformed Church Bexley Village and Christ Church.

The vicar of Holy Redeemer Church, the Rev Nicholas Kerr, had hoped the join the walk when it reached his church, but had to pull out at the last minute because of ill health.

The walkers, who handed out information leaflets about the centre’s work on their way, hope to have raised at least £7,000.