TORY councillors have dashed any hopes that Bexley will become a Fairtrade borough in the near future.

When the matter was debated in 2005 under a Labour administration, all but 10 councillors supported the move, and they abstained.

Labour councillor Munir Malik put forward a similar motion at last week’s Bexley Council meeting(March 2).

Again, 10 Tory councillors abstained.

But this time, another 40 Tories voted against and only 11 councillors supported the idea.

Despite claims by Cllr Malik and his seconder, fellow Thamesmead ward councillor Sandra Bauer that promoting Fairtrade would cost the council little, if any, money Tories claimed the council could not afford it.

Cllr Malik told the council Fairtrade allowed poor communities to trade their way out of poverty.

He explained: “Fairtrade not aid, is what they want.”

Cllr Bauer said the council could give its support by using Fairtrade products in its vending machines, promoting it prominently in the Bexley Magazine and taking a stall to promote Fairtrade at the Danson Festival.

But Tories remained unconvinced, and accused Cllr Malik of failing to implement the vote in 2005 when he had the chance.

Cllr John Waters described the motion as “political posturing” and said it was up to retailers in the borough.

He said: “The council doesn’t have to get involved.”

Councillors had received letters in support of the motion from pupils at Blackfen School for Girls.

Council Leader, Councillor Teresa O’Neill said she had replied to the girls “sending a balanced overview of Fairtrade and explaining why the motion was unrealistic”.

She said: “Fairtrade produce is easily available “We should lead by example and buy it ourselves.

“I encourage everyone to do so, and I oppose the motion.”

The vote was lost by 40 votes to 11, with 10 abstentions and two councillors absent.