IN an effort to boost the borough’s recycling rates, already the highest in London, Bexley Council is always on the lookout for new ways to reuse or recycle rubbish.

People can now recyce their unwanted chipboard, MDF and plywood at the borough’s two reuse and recycling centres in Maidstone Road, Foots Cray, and Thames Road, Crayford.

These will then be sent off to be made into horses’ bedding and other similar products, and to produce energy.

And the layout at the Foots Cray centre has been changed to make it easier for people to find what they are looking for.

All the recycling banks have been moved so they are all together at the end of the site.

To find out what materials are accepted at the centres and where you can dispose of your waste, go to and also look at Bexley’s A to Z of waste on the council website.