Today is National No Smoking Day with anti-smoking campaigners and doctors around the country encouraging smokers to quit the habit.

In a move to discourage smoking in young people and to lift the falling numbers of people giving up, the government announced new legislation requiring shops to remove tobacco products from display.

When the regulations come into force, in April 2012 for larger stores and April 2015 for the rest, cigarettes and tobacco will have to be kept out of sight.

Another idea in discussion is to remove all branding from packaging, with cigarettes being sold in plain packets, although ministers insist they are keeping an ‘open mind’ and will hold a public consultation on the issue before any decisions are made.

Do you think any of this will help discourage people from lighting-up or is it all a waste of time? Do you think tobacco should be hidden away or are you a smoker who is sick of hearing people going on about quitting? Perhaps you have kicked the habit and agree or disagree with the moves being made by the Government.

Let us know what you think and vote in today’s poll, below...