Nicholas Fabian, the reservist soldier accused of booby trapping his pregnant wife's car, has explained to Maidstone Crown Court why he lied during police interviews.

Giving evidence, the 33-year-old told the jury that he did not plant a grenade in Victoria Fabian's car, causing it to explode as she reversed outside their home in Highview, Vigo last year.

Defence solicitor, Michael Wood asked Fabian: "Did you lie in a police interview about your relationship with Jackie Phillips and tell them it was over?"

Fabian answered: "Yes I did."

When asked why he had lied, the defendant said: "I was embarrassed and ashamed about the affair. I just wanted to get out of there and get home so I could look after my children.

"I knew the affair was going to come out and I wanted to tell Vicky myself but never got the chance."

The jury also head that Fabian had lied to police about the fact he had taken part in grenade training.

Fabian said: "At the time I was scared and my head was all over the place."

Referring to being shown photographs of a flare and grenade pin recovered by police from his home, Fabian said: "I got really scared I was going to be arrested.

"I just wanted to close up and started spurting rubbish out."

Prosecuting, Graham Reeds asked the defendant why he had spent more time with Miss Phillips, his mistress, than his wife before he was due to be posted to Afghanistan on March 18 last year.

Fabian said: "I was being selfish. I just wanted sex. God's honest truth, I was enjoying it at the time."

Fabian told the court how he planned never to see Miss Phillips once he returned from Afghanistan and would start a new life in Catterick with his wife.

Mr Fabian denied telling his mistress he wanted to marry her, saying "She may be a woman scorned because I treated her so badly."

Fabian denies attempted murder, causing an explosion likely to endanger life and GBH with intent.

He admitted a charge of unlawfully possessing firearms.

The trial continues.