A BEXLEY primary school has become the first in the borough to combine sport with a foreign language under the guidance of a Premier football club.

Ten and 11-year-olds at Brampton Primary School in Bexleyheath are taking part in the Arsenal Double Club, an initaitive between Arsenal FC and Bexley Council.

Brampton hosted the training of 35 Year 12 students from Bexley Grammar School, as they were taught by trainers from Arsenal how to run the Arsenal Double Club in primary schools across the borough.

Twenty of Brampton’s Year 6 pupils then became a pilot for the scheme, in which children learn French through football, by having all their soccer instructions given in French.

The primary school will now run the venture as an after-school club.

Next month the children will also visit Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium for a tour and a quiz in the players’ lounge, using their French language skills.