A CONTROVERSIAL development could now feature a supermarket and 86-bed hotel if approval is granted.

The Grove Market Place scheme was refused permssion by a Greenwich Council planning committee but that decision was overturned on appeal in 2009.

Since then the site in Court Road, Eltham, has remained derelict, with people living nearby complaining of increased vandalism, squatters and vermin.

Judith Evans, 54, of Wythfield Road, said: “They've done nothing but let it deteriorate. It's hideous.

“Of course we want something built but it should respect the desires and wishes of the people of Eltham."

Now Eltham Renaissance, the developer behind the scheme, has altered its plans from the original GP surgery, restaurants, a convenience store and 129 flats to a hotel, supermarket and 71 flats.

Mrs Evans and other are urging people in the area to object to the council by a February 4 deadline.

They claim the scheme is out of character for the area, far too large and there will not be enough parking for the hotel and restaurant.

Concerns have also been raised about noise and congestion caused by delivery lorry making right turns into the site.

Court Road came eighth in a survey last year of the most congested roads in London.

Mrs Evans said: “Basically it's the entire community which is going to suffer.

“The traffic is already awful."

A Renaissance spokeswoman said: “This is part of the regeneration of Eltham.

“We’ve had expressions of interest from hotel and supermarket operators and so our plans have been modified.”

To comment on the scheme email jacob.jaarsma@greenwich.gov.uk