A BOOK for sale on Amazon that gives advice to paedophiles has left a sexual abuse counselling service “appalled.”

Family Matters, Gravesend's therapy and support service for victims of child sexual abuse and rape was horrified to learn Amazon US was selling a Paedophile's Guide to Love and Pleasure: a Child-lover's Code of Conduct.

The book, uploaded by a self-publisher, has since been removed by Amazon.

Operations director for Family Matters Malcolm Gilbert said: “This is absolutely staggering! "The effect this will have on the thousands of victims of childhood sexual abuse in Kent and across the World will be very profound.

“Childhood sexual abuse is one of the most psychologically damaging of all the abuses whose victims fill our GP surgeries and mental health team waiting rooms, not to mention the drug and alcohol support services.

“Victims of childhood sexual abuse have struggled for years to get specialist support and therapy which is only available from charities such as Family Matters, now a major international retailer encourages the abuse of children.

“It is my sincere hope that leading politicians everywhere will counter this aberration with public statements.”

Amazon has not issued any comment.