This week has been another bad week for motorists trying to use the Dartford Crossing. Almost every day this week there have been lengthy tailbacks causing misery for both those people trying to get across the Thames and for local residents dealing with the knock on effects.

Since I was elected as Dartford’s MP I have worked harder on trying to deal with this issue than any other and at long last there is some progress.

Last month saw one of the first occasions when the tolls were suspended to help alleviate congestion. This was a welcome decision but what is ultimately required is the removal of the toll booths.

I have met with both the Roads Minister and the Secretary of State for Transport and they have agreed to implement a plan that should see the end of the booths.

Unfortunately, the Treasury is not keen to forfeit the £42m raised by the tolls but modern technology can be used to levy the charge instead of the current system. This would remove the toll booths and with them the congestion and pollution.

The Department of Transport is now looking at number plate recognition systems to replace the toll booths. They are also looking at various options to ensure that foreign lorry drivers and unregistered drivers are not allowed to escape the charge. These new systems may take some time to implement so in the mean time it is vital that we see more occasions when the tolls are suspended to ease congestion.

People frequently raise the issue of the Crossing with me and when they do they generally have three complaints. Firstly the congestion, secondly the pollution and thirdly the cost. Although these changes would not deal with the cost they would remove the first two concerns.

The Transport Ministers are now used to being badgered by me on this issue but I believe it is the biggest issue facing Dartford today.

I have not achieved all that I am aiming for – I still want the tolls to be scrapped. Yet I have secured the death knell for the toll booths and an acceptance by government that the status quo for the Dartford Crossing is not an option.

I yearn for the day that the Crossing is a positive thing for Dartford and not the nemesis it has become.

I can be contacted as follows: House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA T: 020 7219 7047 E: W: